Commemorative Symposium in
Prof Daniel von Allmen, MD
Surgeon-in-Chief; Lester W. Martin Chair of Pediatric Surgery Senior Vice President,
Surgical Services Surgical Director, Neuroblastoma Program Professor,
UC Department of Surgery
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati OH
Plenary Theme: Paediatric Surgical Oncology
Title of Talk: Milestones in Paediatric Surgical Oncology
Prof von Allmen is known for his work in the Children’s Oncology Group, a National Institutes of Health-funded consortium of hospitals across the country devoted to paediatric cancers. His special clinical interests include paediatric surgical oncology, pediatric inflammatory bowel disease, esophageal disorders, surgical innovation, and medical innovation, particularly surgical robotics. He has published extensively especially in the area of paediatric surgery for neuroblastoma.
Prof Atsuyuki Yamataka
MD, PhD, FAAP (Hon.)
Professor and Head
Department of Pediatric General and Urogenital Surgery Juntendo University, Tokyo, Japan
Plenary Theme: Paediatric Hepatobiliary Surgery
Title of Talk: Choledochal Cyst and Biliary Atresia: Looking Back and Looking Forward
Prof Yamataka is a pioneer in the field of paediatric liver surgery, with extensive research publications in topics such as biliary atresia, liver resection and choledochal cysts and related congenital malformations of the biliary tree. Under his leadership the Juntendo University Department of Pediatric General and Urogenital Surgery has become an internationally renowned centre for training in the area of advanced surgical techniques for paediatric liver and biliary diseases. Internationally, he was past President of the International Pediatric Endosurgery Group, Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons and Asian Association of Pediatric Surgeons.
Prof Li Long, MD, PhD
Professor and Chief
Department of Paediatric Surgery
Affiliated Children's Hospital of Capital Institute of Pediatrics, Beijing, China
Plenary Theme: Paediatric MIS Surgery
Title of Talk: History and Development of Paediatric MIS
Prof Li is known internationally for his leadership in the field of minimally invasive surgery in children. Prof Li and his team have developed one of the largest paediatric laparoscopy networks in China. Under his leadership, his team in Beijing have performed more than 40,000 laparoscopic surgeries for children in the past 2 decades. He has a strong academic interest having published over 300 articles, 2 books, and educational videos on paediatric laparoscopic surgery.
Prof Yves Heloury, MD
Professor of pediatric surgery Urology and surgical oncology Service de Chirurgie Viscérale Pédiatrique et Urologie (Centre MAREP) (Department of Pediatric Surgery and Urology) Hôpital Universitaire Necker Enfants Malades, Paris, France
Plenary Theme: Paediatric Urology
Title of Talk: Evolution of Neurogenic Bladder Management
Prof Heloury is a leading paediatric urologist, and former Medical Director of Nantes University Hospital, the national reference center for the management of anorectal malformations (National network for the management of rare diseases), and was also Past President of the French College of Paediatric Surgeons. He pioneered transcutaneous electrical stimulation and other surgical innovations for spina bifida patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction, and is known for his research into genetic causes of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract in children.